The start of a new year is always such a great feeling. So much promise, a blank slate, a chance to start again. As humans we measure things in time and it’s such a clear-cut marker of what has transpired and what is possible. I always make it a point to look back and reflect on the year that’s passed and then I love moving on to what I hope to bring in this year. I don’t personally make resolutions but I do definitely set my intentions for the coming year. I believe we are the co-creators of our lives and these days I like to do the creating as consciously as possible.
To that end I’d like to pass along this worksheet that someone graciously sent to me several years ago. It’s definitely thorough. I find it helpful to have a place to write everything down so I can refer to it throughout the year. It helps keep me on track, encourages me get specific and it is amazing to look back in December and see the manifestation.
Wishing everyone a happy healthy and prosperous 2012. It’s a brand new shiny year. Birth your vision!
(In case download doesn’t work, I’ve copied and pasted it below)
This is a personal planning tool designed to powerfully support your success
in any area of life. Do it in early January and then refer to it at least once a
month during the year. For optimum results share it with your coach,
consultant or trusted advisor(s) to keep you on track and hold you
I- Complete 2011
Answer these questions as truthfully and compassionately as possible. In order to move on, we have to first complete the current year. Close the door on 2011 in order
to open the door to 2012.
What did you get done and what didn’t get done?
What would you like to acknowledge yourself for?
What would you like to forgive yourself for?
What regrets or in-completions need to be cleaned up in order to move on?
What did you learn about yourself from both successes and failures?
-Any new skills and/or emotional lessons?
II-Vision 2012
Your vision is about creating your ideal self. What is the quality of life you aspire to and what are your best characteristics, strengths and standards that you wish to live up to?
Who will you be in 2012?
What will 2012 be for you as a vision?
III-Goals 2012
Goals are specific and measurable.
What will your major accomplishments be in 2012?
Stand in December 2012 and look back on the year. What happened in the area of:
Health/Well Being:
Friends & Family:
Significant other:
Personal & Spiritual Growth:
Physical Environment (Home etc.):
Anything else:
Change is inevitable…growth is optional