Deyan Institute
I’m so happy to be involved with the Deyan Institute, coordinating the VO Pro Series and contributing monthly to their growing blog!
I’m so happy to be involved with the Deyan Institute, coordinating the VO Pro Series and contributing monthly to their growing blog!
Here’s Part 3 of my series dedicated to the newbie exploring voiceover. If you missed the first two, click the links below! Ok, so now you know you’re the right kind of person for the job (Is Voiceover for me?) and you know a bit about the industry (Genres in VO) …so where do you…
Last week I had a pretty big vo session. I was psyched. The session began and the first thing the director said was “So, Rachel are you familiar with the campaign we have running right now?” My, was I happy to be able to say yes… and actually be telling the truth! Years ago I…